克里斯·帕尔默医生(Christopher Palmer, MD) 在华盛顿大学医学院获得医学学位。 他在麦克莱恩医院、马萨诸塞州总医院和哈佛医学院进行了实习和精神病学住院医师培训。 他目前是麦克莱恩医院研究生和继续教育系主任和哈佛医学院精神病学助理教授。
在过去的 25 年中,他是一名学术内科医生,在管理、研究、教育和临床方面发挥着重要作用。
帕尔默医生领导麦克莱恩医院(2018年美国全美精神病学排名第一,美国新闻与世界报道)的研究生和继续教育部。 在这个职位上,他组织了数百场教育会议、研讨会、大型巡演和其他专业教育活动,其中大部分是在哈佛医学院的赞助下进行的。 在他的领导下,该部门已经从医院的一个小型、受资助的部门转变为一个蓬勃发展的教育项目,该项目现在正在领导全美专业人士的心理健康教育。
他在麦克莱恩医院项目之外的继续教育领域担任过许多领导职务,包括在哈佛医学院、合作伙伴医疗保健机构、马萨诸塞州医学会和继续医学教育认证委员会 (ACCME) 的领导层、咨询和战略规划委员会任职。
帕尔默医生从事精神病学研究已超过 23 年。他曾在麦克莱恩医院的行为精神药理学研究实验室和睡眠研究实验室担任研究医师,在那里他与团队在成瘾和睡眠领域进行广泛研究合作。
1991 学士,普渡大学
1995 医学博士,华盛顿大学,圣路易斯
1995-1999 精神病学实习和住院医师,哈佛医学院,麦克莱恩医院和马萨诸塞州总医院
2000 年,美国精神病学和神经病学委员会文凭
Christopher Palmer, MD received his medical degree from Washington University School of Medicine. He did his internship and psychiatry residency at McLean Hospital, Massachusetts General Hospital, and Harvard Medical School. He is currently the Director of the Department of Postgraduate and Continuing Education at McLean Hospital and an Assistant Professor of Psychiatry at Harvard Medical School.
For the past 25 years, he has been an academic physician with administrative, research, educational, and clinical roles.
Academic Leadership
Dr. Palmer leads McLean Hospital’s Department of Postgraduate and Continuing Education. In this role, he has developed hundreds of educational conferences, workshops, Grand Rounds, and other professional educational activities, most of them under the aegis of Harvard Medical School. His leadership has transformed the department from a small, subsidized department of the hospital into a flourishing educational program that is now leading mental health education for professionals nationwide.
He has held numerous leadership positions in the continuing education field beyond McLean Hospital’s program, including serving on leadership, advisory, and strategic planning committees of Harvard Medical School, Partners Healthcare, the Massachusetts Medical Society, and the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME).
Dr. Palmer’s clinical practice has focused on helping people suffering from treatment-resistant mental illnesses, including mood disorders, psychotic disorders, and personality disorders. His treatment approach has been comprehensive and has included psychopharmacology, psychotherapy, and complementary and alternative treatments. However, he has always been looking for better treatments and outcomes because far too many people do not get better with our current approaches.
Dr. Palmer has been involved in psychiatric research for over 23 years. He has served as a research physician in the Behavioral Psychopharmacology Research Laboratory and the Sleep Research Laboratory, both at McLean Hospital, where he worked with teams pursuing wide-ranging research in the areas of addiction and sleep.
Most recently, his research interests have turned to the areas of metabolism, metabolic disorders, and their connection to mental disorders. Interestingly, the connections are widespread and span across numerous mental and metabolic disorders. He is focused on combining and understanding epidemiological data, basic science research, and clinical studies in order to better understand what role metabolism plays in mental illness.
Dr. Palmer has been pioneering the use of the ketogenic diet and its applications in psychiatry. The ketogenic diet is an evidence-based treatment for epilepsy, and can work in treatment-resistant cases, even after numerous medications and even surgery fail to control seizures. It doesn’t work for everyone, but it does work for a significant percentage of people. It turns out that many anti-epileptic treatments are used routinely in psychiatry, so this dietary intervention should at least be considered in the treatment of mental disorders. Interestingly, the ketogenic diet is a metabolic intervention and has been shown to have profound effects on brain metabolism. These changes may correct some of the metabolic abnormalities found in people with mental disorders. Dr. Palmer has published case studies, pilot clinical trials, and is actively conducting research in this area. He is also working with researchers from around the world to further explore this treatment in clinical populations as well as pursuing more basic science research.
Education & Training
- 1991 BS, Purdue University
- 1995 MD, Washington University, St. Louis
- 1995-1999 Internship and Residency in Psychiatry, Harvard Medical School, McLean Hospital, and Massachusetts General Hospital
Board Certifications:
- 2000 Diplomate, American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology
帕尔默医生近期发表的文章(Recent Articles by Chris Palmer, MD)