杰弗里·格柏医生,美国家庭医师学会会员(Dr. Jeffry N. Gerber, MD, FAAFP ) 是一名获得委员会认证的家庭医生,也是科罗拉多州利特尔顿市 South Suburban Family Medicine 的所有者,在那里他被称为“丹佛的饮食医生”。自 1993 年以来,他一直在为当地社区提供个性化的医疗保健服务,并延续这一传统,强调长寿、健康和预防。

营养及其对健康的影响是格柏医生感兴趣的领域。格柏医生对治疗超重、肥胖、糖尿病、动脉粥样硬化和心脏病等疾病相关的不断攀升的医疗成本感到沮丧,他一直专注于使用低碳水化合物高脂肪 (LCHF)、Paleo 和 Primal饮食来治疗和预防这些慢性病。他维护着一个患者数据库,着眼于减肥和改善心脏代谢标志物,展示了这些饮食类型的益处。重新定义健康营养是一个目标。格柏医生经常向患者、社区和其他医疗保健专业人员谈论这些重要问题。
格柏医生关于慢性疾病、根本原因和解决策略的书(与化学工程师和数据科学家 Ivor Cummins 合著)于 2018 年 2 月发布:https://www.amazon.com/Eat-Rich-Live-Long-Mastering /dp/1628602732/
格柏医生还是“低碳水化合物会议”的联合组织者,该会议是针对医疗保健专业人员,以及有兴趣了解与饮食和健康相关的最新科学的任何人的年度教育活动。 CME(继续医学教育)学分将会提供给医疗保健专业人员。
格柏医生在费城坦普尔大学医学院接受培训并于 1986 年毕业。他于 1990 年在 Abington 纪念医院完成了家庭医学住院医师实习,并于 1991 年获得了家庭医学委员会认证。格柏医生就读于家庭医学中心- 每十年进行一次认证考试,并定期参加继续医学教育课程。他获得了科罗拉多州劳工和就业部的二级认证,可以治疗与工作相关的伤害。
2010 年,格柏医生因其对家庭医学的承诺和对当地社区的贡献而获得了 AAFP 的 FAAFP 荣誉研究员学位。
格柏医生是美国家庭医师学会、美国减肥医师协会、肥胖行动联盟、科罗拉多家庭医师学会、科罗拉多医学会、Arapahoe-Douglas-Elbert 医学会和 Weston A. Price Foundation的成员。

Dr. Jeffry N. Gerber, MD, FAAFP is a board certified family physician and owner of South Suburban Family Medicine in Littleton, Colorado, where he is known as “Denver’s Diet Doctor”. He has been providing personalized healthcare to the local community since 1993 and continues that tradition with an emphasis on longevity, wellness and prevention.
Nutrition and its effects on health are areas of interest for Dr. Gerber. Frustrated with spiraling healthcare costs related to the treatment of conditions like overweight, obesity, diabetes, atherosclerosis and heart disease just to name a few, Dr. Gerber has been focusing on prevention and treatment programs using low-carb high fat (LCHF), Ancestral, Paleo and Primal diets to treat and prevent these chronic conditions. He maintains a database of patients, looking at weight loss and improved cardio-metabolic markers, demonstrating the benefits of these types of diets. Redefining healthy nutrition is a goal. Dr. Gerber speaks frequently about these important issues to patients, the community and other health care professionals.
“We have been helping our patients improve their health and optimize their weight with prescribed lifestyle modification. We redefine healthy nutrition and teach patients about the relationship between unhealthy refined and processed foods and chronic illness. The science of carbohydrate and fat metabolism, insulin resistance, inflammation and chronic metabolic disease is revealing.”
“Dietary carbohydrates are the optional fuel and most people consume too much. Natural dietary fats were never unhealthy. We Teach patients how to make better food choices based on reducing carbohydrate content to control hunger, promote weight loss and improve health.”
“Obesity and overweight are truly the resultant symptoms of chronic metabolic disease, ultimately caused by the many inflammatory foods in our diet. Blaming behavior (that we eat too much and exercise too little) for why we get fat is a short-sighted explanation, especially when considering our present day understanding of metabolism.”
Dr. Gerber’s book on chronic disease, root causes and resolution strategies (co-authored with chemical engineer and data scientist Ivor Cummins) was released February 2018: https://www.amazon.com/Eat-Rich-Live-Long-Mastering/dp/1628602732/
Dr. Gerber is also the co-organizer of Low Carb Conferences, a yearly educational event for healthcare professionals and anyone else interested in learning about the latest science related to diet and health. CME (Continuing Medical Education) credit is offered to healthcare professionals.
Dr. Gerber trained at Temple University School of Medicine in Philadelphia and graduated in 1986. He completed a medical Residency in Family Medicine at Abington Memorial Hospital in 1990 and was board certified in Family Medicine in 1991. Dr. Gerber sits for the Family Medicine re-certification exam every ten years and attends continuing medical education programs on a regular basis. He is Level II certified by the Colorado Department of Labor and Employment to treat work related injuries.
In 2010 Dr. Gerber received the honorary Degree of Fellow, FAAFP from the AAFP for his commitment to family medicine and contributions to the local community.
Dr. Gerber is a member of the American Academy of Family Physicians, the American Society of Bariatric Physicians, the Obesity Action Coalition, the Colorado Academy of Family Physicians, the Colorado Medical Society, the Arapahoe-Douglas-Elbert Medical Society and the Weston A. Price Foundation.
Dr. Gerber, his wife and three children love the outdoors, and enjoy all that the wonderful state of Colorado has to offer.
Jeffry N. Gerber, M.D. – Denver’s Diet Doctor
South Suburban Family Medicine
South Suburban Occupational Medicine
7720 South Broadway, Suite 480
Littleton, CO 80122