马克·西森(Mark Sisson)出生在缅因州,是四个兄弟姐妹中最年长的一个。他就读于威廉姆斯学院,在那里他是一名医学预科生并获得了生物学学位。
西森和妻子嘉莉有两个孩子。 西森是古方饮食的追随者,并推销他自己的版本,称为“原始蓝图”饮食。作为该计划的一部分,他于 2006 年开设了一个美食博客“Mark’s Daily Apple”,并撰写了多本饮食和锻炼书籍,包括畅销书《酮重置饮食: 21 天内重新启动您的新陈代谢》和《永远燃烧脂肪》。

西森在 1982 年 2 月的“铁人三项世界锦标赛”中获得第 4 名。在 1970 年代,他是波特兰(缅因州)田径俱乐部创纪录的跑步者。他在 1980 年美国全国马拉松锦标赛中获得前 5 名,并获得了 1980 年美国奥运会选拔赛的资格。
西森担任国际铁人三项联盟 (ITU) 反兴奋剂委员会主席长达 15 年,并担任 ITU 与国际奥委会的联络人。
“我们每年花费数千小时研究健康问题,以便每天在 Mark’s Daily Apple 上为您提供基于研究的信息和可操作的提示。 虽然关于健康、福祉和体重管理的“原始蓝图”方法可能并不总是与传统做法保持一致,您在这里找到的原则是建立在营养科学、运动科学、表观遗传学研究和行为改变领域的同行评审医学研究上的。 本博客并非医学建议,但我们希望它能为你追求健康、充实的生活提供信息和启发。”

Sisson was born in Maine and is the oldest of four siblings. He attended Williams College, where he was a pre-med candidate and earned a biology degree.
Sisson is married to his wife Carrie. They have two children. Sisson is a follower of the paleo diet and markets his own version of it, called the “Primal Blueprint” diet. As part of this initiative, he started a food blog, “Mark’s Daily Apple”, in 2006 and has also written a number of diet and exercise books, including the best-selling book, The Keto Reset Diet: Reboot Your Metabolism in 21 Days and Burn Fat Forever.
Sisson finished 4th in the February 1982 Ironman World Championship. In the 1970s, he was a record-setting runner for the Portland (Maine) Track Club. He had a top-5 finish in the 1980 U.S. National Marathon Championships and earned a qualifying spot for the 1980 U.S. Olympic Trials.
Sisson served for 15 years as chairman of the International Triathlon Union (ITU) Anti-Doping Commission and as the ITU’s liaison to the International Olympic Committee.
Mark Sisson
“We spend thousands of hours every year researching health questions in order to serve you research-based information and actionable tips on Mark’s Daily Apple each day. While the Primal Blueprint approach to health, well-being, and weight management might not always align with conventional practice, the principles you find here are founded in peer-reviewed medical research from the fields of nutritional science, exercise science, epigenetic study, and behavior change. This blog isn’t intended as medical advice, but we hope it will be an informative and inspiring source as you pursue a healthy, fulfilling life.”