乔治亚·埃德 (Dr. Georgia Ede, MD)医生, 医学学位,她是一位在美国马萨诸塞州北安普顿工作,在哈佛大学接受培训,获得委员会认证的精神病学家。 在发现一种新的饮食方式后,她对营养产生了兴趣,这种饮食方式扭转了她在40岁出头时出现的一些令人困惑的健康问题,包括纤维肌痛、偏头痛、慢性疲劳综合征和肠易激综合征(IBS)。
埃德医生获得了明尼苏达州卡尔顿学院的生物学学士学位。 然后,她在生物化学、糖尿病和伤口愈合领域担任了七年的研究助理。 她在佛蒙特大学获得医学学位,并于 2002 年在剑桥医院完成了普通成人精神病学的住院医师实习。
经过五年的全科实践,她于 2007 年至 2013 年加入哈佛大学健康服务部,担任精神药理学家,并且是那里第一位为有心理健康问题的学生、教职员工提供营养咨询的精神科医生。
从 2013 年到 2018 年,她是马萨诸塞州北安普顿史密斯学院的精神科医生,为史密斯学院的学生提供营养咨询以及药物和心理治疗服务。
埃德医生经常为今日心理学-Psychology Today撰稿,并在诊断:饮食-Diagnosis: Diet上有自己的网站。 2018年在进化与健康杂志-Journal of Evolution and Health上独立发表论文。

Dr. Georgia Ede, MD, is a Harvard-trained, board-certified psychiatrist based in Northampton, Massachusetts, USA. Her interest in nutrition arose after discovering a new way of eating that reversed several bewildering health problems she had developed in her early 40s, including fibromyalgia, migraines, chronic fatigue syndrome, and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).
Dr. Ede acquired her bachelor’s in biology from Carleton College in Minnesota. Then, for seven years, she worked as a research assistant in the fields of biochemistry, diabetes, and wound healing. She earned her MD from the University of Vermont and completed her residency in general adult psychiatry at Cambridge Hospital in 2002.
After five years in general practice, she joined Harvard University Health Services from 2007 to 2013 as a staff psychopharmacologist and was the first psychiatrist there to offer nutrition consultation as an option to students, faculty, and staff with mental health concerns.
From 2013 to 2018, she was the psychiatrist for Smith College in Northampton, Massachusetts, where she provided nutrition consultation as well as medication and psychotherapy services to Smith students.
Now, Dr. Ede devotes all of her time to nutritional psychiatry and directs her efforts on studying, writing, and speaking about the strong scientific connection between food and brain health.
Dr. Ede writes frequently for Psychology Today and has her own website at Diagnosis: Diet. In 2018, she independently published a paper in the Journal of Evolution and Health.
Dr. Ede is on Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook.