尼古拉斯·诺维茨 博士(Nicholas Norwitz, PhD) 是营养科学领域的一颗新星。这位 25 岁的常春藤大学优秀毕业生在短短两年内就在牛津大学获得了博士学位,现在正在哈佛医学院攻读医学学位。他的研究专长是酮症和脑老化;他也发表了从神经科学到心脏病、胃肠道健康、遗传学、骨骼健康和糖尿病等主题的科学论文。
尼克对”以食为药“的热情是建立在个人历史上的。 18 岁时,他患上了严重的骨质疏松症,这是一种严重破坏了他前途光明的跑步事业的骨骼疾病。接下来,尼克患上了溃疡性结肠炎,这是一种严重的炎症性肠病,导致他在数周内减掉 20% 的体重,并最终因为20多的心率而被送进医院的姑息治疗病房。

Dr. Nicholas Norwitz is a new shining star in nutrition science. This 25-year-old Ivy League Valedictorian obtained his PhD at Oxford University in just two years and is now pursing his MD at Harvard Medical School. His research expertise is ketosis and brain aging; however, he has published scientific papers on topics ranging from neuroscience to heart disease to gastrointestinal health to genetics to bone health to diabetes.
Nick’s passion for Food as Medicine is founded a personal history. At eighteen years old, he developed severe osteoporosis, a bone disease that crippled his promising running career. Next, Nick developed ulcerative colitis, an inflammatory bowel disease so severe as to cause him to lose twenty percent of his body weight in weeks and end up in the palliative care ward of a hospital with a heart rate in the twenties.
Through scientific self-study, Nick discovered his salvation in a ketogenic diet. He reversed his osteoporosis and colitis and is thriving! But Nick is grateful for his apparent misfortunes. In his words, “The most remarkable part of my story is that it’s not unique. The healthcare system isn’t built to address metabolic diseases. For that, we need metabolic medicine rooted in nutrition. My lifelong goal is to help reform the system and edu- cate people. Plus, I’d like to think being a patient has made me a more compassionate person.”
You can find Nick on Twitter at @nicknorwitz