马克·海曼医生(Dr. Mark Hyman)正在领导一场健康革命—一场围绕着以食物为药物来支持长寿、精力、头脑清晰、幸福等等的革命。
海曼医生是一名执业全科医生,也是功能医学领域国际公认的领导者、演讲者、教育家和倡导者。 他是 UltraWellness 中心的创始人和主任,克利夫兰功能医学诊所中心的战略与创新负责人,14 次《纽约时报》畅销书作者,以及功能医学研究所临床事务董事会主席。 他是领先的健康播客之一,The Doctor’s Farmacy 的主持人。 海曼医生是多个电视节目和网络的常规医疗撰稿人,包括 CBS This Morning、Today、Good Morning America、The View 和 CNN。 他还是 The Dr. Oz Show 的顾问和嘉宾联席主持人。
爱荷华州参议员汤姆·哈金提名海曼医生担任总统预防、健康促进、综合和公共卫生咨询小组成员。此外,海曼医生还出席了克林顿基金会的健康问题、实现每一代人的健康会议和克林顿全球倡议,以及世界经济论坛的全球健康问题、TEDMED 和 TEDx。他是莱纳斯鲍林奖和楠塔基特项目奖的获得者。海曼医生因其在丹尼尔计划中的工作而获得了年度基督教书籍奖,这是一项基于信仰的倡议,帮助马鞍峰教会集体减掉了 250,000 磅,由他与 Rick Warren、Mehmet Oz 医生和 Daniel Amen 医生共同创建。
他还与 Dean Ornish 医生和 Michael Roizen 医生一起入选了“美好生活之书”名人堂。海曼医生制定并帮助向美国参议院介绍了 2009 年的“收回你的健康法案”,该法案促进了对慢性病生活方式治疗的报销。
海曼医生起草并帮助向美国参议院介绍了2009年《收回你的健康法案》,该法案促进了慢性病生活方式治疗的报销。2015年,他与蒂姆·瑞安一起,帮助国会引入《营养法案》,为医学教育中的营养提供资金。海曼医生在 2014 年由 Laurie David 和 Katie Couric 制作的主要电影《受够了》中扮演了重要角色,该电影探讨了儿童肥胖问题。

Dr. Mark Hyman is leading a health revolution—one revolved around using food as medicine to support longevity, energy, mental clarity, happiness, and so much more. Dr. Hyman is a practicing family physician and an internationally recognized leader, speaker, educator, and advocate in the field of Functional Medicine. He is the founder and director of The UltraWellness Center, the Head of Strategy and Innovation of the Cleveland Clinic Center for Functional Medicine, a fourteen-time New York Times bestselling author, and Board President for Clinical Affairs for The Institute for Functional Medicine. He is the host of one of the leading health podcasts, The Doctor’s Farmacy. Dr. Hyman is a regular medical contributor on several television shows and networks, including CBS This Morning, Today, Good Morning America, The View, and CNN. He is also an advisor and guest co-host on The Dr. Oz Show.
About Dr. Hyman
Dr. Hyman has turned his passion for Functional Medicine, real food, nutrition, and wellness into activism, working to change our food system on a global scale.
Through his work to change policy for the betterment of public health, Dr. Hyman has testified before the Senate Working Group on Health Care Reform on Functional Medicine. He has consulted with the surgeon general on diabetes prevention and participated in the 2009 White House Forum on Prevention and Wellness. Senator Tom Harkin of Iowa nominated Dr. Hyman for the President’s Advisory Group on Prevention, Health Promotion, and Integrative and Public Health.
Additionally, Dr. Hyman has presented at the Clinton Foundation’s Health Matters, Achieving Wellness in Every Generation conference and the Clinton Global Initiative, as well as with the World Economic Forum on global health issues, TEDMED and TEDx.
He is the winner of the Linus Pauling Award and the Nantucket Project Award. Dr. Hyman received the Christian Book of the Year Award for his work on The Daniel Plan, a faith-based initiative that helped Saddleback Church collectively lose 250,000 pounds that he created with Rick Warren, Dr. Mehmet Oz, and Dr. Daniel Amen. He was also inducted into the Books for Better Life Hall of Fame With Dr. Dean Ornish and Dr. Michael Roizen.
Dr. Hyman crafted and helped introduce the Take Back Your Health Act of 2009 to the United States Senate, which promotes reimbursement for lifestyle treatment of chronic disease. With Tim Ryan in 2015, he helped introduce the ENRICH Act into Congress to fund nutrition in medical education.
Dr. Hyman plays a substantial role in the major 2014 film Fed Up, produced by Laurie David and Katie Couric, which addresses childhood obesity.