讲者与机构知名讲者加里·陶伯斯/Gary Taubes

加里·陶伯斯/Gary Taubes


作为一名受过训练的科学家,加里·陶伯斯(Gary Taubes)在哈佛大学攻读应用物理学本科,并获得了理学硕士学位,之后在斯坦福大学获得航空航天工程硕士学位。 1981年,他获得哥伦比亚大学新闻学硕士学位。一年后,他成为科学刊物《发现》杂志的特约记者。

这位纽约本地人以解决科学争议而闻名。 他撰写了多篇文章和书籍,包括“诺贝尔梦想,糟糕的科学:冷聚变的短暂生命和怪异时代”和“好卡路里,坏卡路里”,也被称为“英国的饮食错觉”。 他最近的一本书是纽约时报的畅销书,名为“我们为什么发胖:以及如何应对”,探讨了上个世纪的“不良营养科学”。


A scientist by training, Taubes studied applied physics at Harvard University as an undergraduate and earned his M.S. degree in aerospace engineering at Stanford University. In 1981, he earned a master’s degree in journalism from Columbia University, and a year later, he became a staff reporter for the scientific publication Discover magazine.

The New York native is known for tackling scientific controversies. He has written several articles and books, including “Nobel Dreams, Bad Science: The Short Life and Weird Times of Cold Fusion” and “Good Calories, Bad Calories,” also known as “The Diet Delusion in the UK.” His most recent book, a New York Times best seller called “Why We Get Fat: And What to Do About it,” explores “bad nutritional science” from the last century.

Taubes is a three-time recipient of the Science in Society Award of the National Association of Science Writers and a past MIT Knight Science Journalism Fellow.


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  1. Gary Taubes, a investigative science journalist said: A very good sign that you’ve misunderstood the cause of a disorder is your inability to treat or prevent it.

    科学调查记者加里·陶布斯 (Gary Taubes) 说:我们误解了疾病的原因的最明显的迹象就是我们无法治疗或预防它。


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