兰根.查特吉医生(Dr. Rangan Chatterjee),生于 1977 年,是英国医生、作家、电视节目主持人和播客。 他最出名的是他的电视节目Doctor in the House,以及作为“BBC早餐”的住院医生和BBC电台的定期评论员。
查特吉医生一直对医学、运动和音乐感兴趣。 他十一岁开始学习四种乐器。 2001 年毕业后,他在爱丁堡工作了两年,原计划留在那里,但后来搬回曼彻斯特帮助母亲照顾当时生病的父亲。 现在,他是进步医学新兴领域的先驱,除了他的电视节目Doctor in the House 和“BBC早餐”的住院医生外,查特吉医生还是 BBC 电台的定期评论员,并为赫芬顿邮报和 Top Santé 撰稿。
2017 年,他在 Pulse Power 50 位有影响力的全科医生名单中排名第 8。 查特吉医生主持了一个名为“感觉更好,生活更好”的播客。
“每个人都有能力让自己感觉更好。 我想帮助你实现这一目标。
我是一名拥有 20 多年经验的医生,将您视为个体。 我采取 360° 的健康方法,专注于我的 4 个健康支柱:食物、运动、睡眠和放松。
我的目标是让您成为自己健康的建筑师。 我相信,当我们更健康时,我们会更快乐,因为当我们感觉更好时,我们会活得更好。”
《健康四支柱》于 2017 年 12 月 28 日发布
《压力解决方案》于 2018 年 12 月 27 日发布。
《感觉更好的五个步骤》 于 2019 年 12 月 18 日发布。

Rangan Chatterjee (born 1977) is a British physician, author, television presenter and podcaster. He is best known for his TV show Doctor in the House and for being the resident doctor on BBC Breakfast and as a regular commentator on BBC Radio.
Chatterjee was always interested in medicine, sport and music. He started learning four instruments at age eleven. After graduation in 2001 he worked in Edinburgh for two years where he was planning to stay but moved back to Manchester to help his mother take care of his father who was ill at the time. Now he is a pioneer in the emerging field of progressive medicine, As well as his TV show Doctor in the House and being the resident doctor on BBC Breakfast, Chatterjee is a regular commentator on BBC Radio and writes for the Huffington Post and Top Santé. In 2017 he came 8th in the Pulse Power 50 list of influential GPs. Chatterjee hosts a podcast titled Feel Better, Live More.
Rangan Chatterjee
“Everyone has the ability to feel better. I want to help you achieve that.”
I am a medical doctor with over 20 years experience who treats you as an individual. I take a 360° approach to health by focussing on my 4 pillars of health: Food, Movement, Sleep and Relaxation.
My goal is to empower you to become the architect of your own health. I believe that when we are healthier, we are happier because when we feel better, we live more.
The 4 Pillar Plan Published on 28 December 2017
The Stress Solution Released on 27 December 2018.
Feel Better in 5 Released on 18 December 2019.