唐纳德·莱曼教授(Prof. Donald Keith Layman, PhD), 是美国伊利诺伊大学厄巴纳-香槟分校农业、消费者和环境科学学院食品科学与人类营养教授。
我的实验室正在研究蛋白质和氨基酸的需要量,以及膳食蛋白质和碳水化合物在成人健康中的相互关系。我们的研究重点是饮食和运动对肥胖、2 型糖尿病和代谢综合征等成人健康问题的影响。运动对于维持瘦体重、能量消耗和体重控制的健康显然很重要。
令人惊讶的是,人们对运动过程中的氨基酸需求或氨基酸对代谢调节的影响知之甚少。我们帮助确定了支链氨基酸 (BCAA) 在骨骼肌代谢中的作用。 BCAA 在运动过程中为肌肉提供重要的能量来源,并且在恢复过程中也是肌肉蛋白质合成的关键调节剂。在运动过程中,BCAA 的氧化增加,导致氨基酸丙氨酸的产生和 BCAA 血浆水平的快速下降。
- 博士,1978 年,明尼苏达大学圣保罗分校
- 理学硕士,1974 年,伊利诺伊州立大学
- 理学士,1972 年,伊利诺伊州立大学
- 美国科学界人士
- 科学与工程名人录
- 美国营养研究所 BioServ 奖
- 国家卫生研究院香农奖

Prof. Donald Keith Layman, PhD
My laboratory is working to define protein and amino acid requirements and the interrelationship between dietary protein and carbohydrates in adult health. Our research is focused on the impact of diet and exercise on adult health problems of obesity, type 2 diabetes and the Metabolic Syndrome. Exercise is of obvious importance to health in maintenance of lean body mass, energy expenditure and weight control. Surprisingly little is known about amino acid requirements during exercise or the impact of amino acids on metabolic regulation. We have helped to define roles of the branched chain amino acids (BCAA) in skeletal muscle metabolism. BCAA provide an important energy source for muscle during exercise and also serve as a critical regulator of muscle protein synthesis during recovery. During exercise, oxidation of BCAA increases, resulting in production of the amino acid alanine and a rapid decline in plasma levels of BCAA. Amino acid supplements prevent this decline in plasma amino acids, enhance recovery of muscle protein synthesis and interact with insulin to help stabilize blood glucose. We are continuing this research to define mechanisms for control of muscle protein synthesis and differences in dietary protein needs for men versus women and for adults with sedentary versus active lifestyles.
- Ph.D., 1978, University of Minnesota, St. Paul
- M.S., 1974, Illinois State University, Normal
- B.S., 1972, Illinois State University, Normal
Other Publications
- Baum, J.I., D.K. Layman, G.G. Freund, K.A. Rahn, M.T. Nakamura, and B.E. Yudell. (2006) A reduced carbohydrate, increased protein diet stabilizes glycemic control and minimizes adipose tissue glucose disposal in rats. J. Nutr. 136:1855-1861.
- Layman, D.K. and D.A. Walker. (2006) Potential importance of leucine in treatment of obesity and the metabolic syndrome. J. Nutr. 136:S319-323.
- Baum, J.I., J.E. Seyler, J.C. O’Conner, G.G. Freund, T.G. Anthony, and D.K. Layman. (2005) Leucine effects on PI3-kinase and insulin signaling in rat skeletal muscle. Am. J. Physiol. 288:E86-91.
- Layman, D.K., E. Evans, J.I. Baum, J. Seyler, D.J. Erickson, and R.A. Boileau. (2005) Dietary protein and exercise have additive effects on body composition during weight loss in adult women. J. Nutr. 135:1903-1910.
- Layman, D.K. and J.I. Baum. (2004) Dietary protein impact on glycemic control during weight loss. J. Nutr. 134:S968-973.
- Layman, D.K., R.A. Boileau, D.J. Erickson, J.E. Painter, H. Shiue, C. Sather, and D.D. Christou. (2003) A reduced ratio of carbohydrate to protein improves body composition and blood lipid profiles in adult women. J. Nutr. 133:411-417.
Other Honors
- American Men and Women of Science
- Who’s Who in Science and Engineering
- BioServ Award from the American Institute of Nutrition
- Shannon Award from the National Institute of Health