讲者与机构知名讲者佐伊.哈科姆 博士/Zoe Harcombe, Phd

佐伊.哈科姆 博士/Zoe Harcombe, Phd


我(Zoe Harcombe, PhD)是饮食和健康领域的研究员、作家、博主和演讲者。我特别感兴趣/专长的领域是公共卫生饮食指南(尤其是饮食脂肪)、营养和肥胖。我也做过很多媒体采访——电视、广播、报纸和杂志——这里有很多例子。

我拥有剑桥大学的学士和硕士学位(经济学/数学)。我很自豪能成为我所在州立(综合)学校的第一个从剑桥毕业的学生。在那里,我更自豪地被我的同龄人选为大学学生会主席—这是 630 多年来的第二位女性主席(好吧,他们确实花了那么长时间才接纳女性!)

2016年,我获得了博士学位。在公共卫生营养方面。我的论文题目是“对 1977 年和 1983 年引入膳食脂肪建议的随机对照试验和流行病学证据的检查:系统评价和荟萃分析”。站点成员可在此处获取完整文档。https://www.zoeharcombe.com

Who are you? I’m a researcher, author, blogger and public speaker in the field of diet and health. My particular areas of interest/expertise are public health dietary guidelines (especially dietary fat), nutrition and obesity. I also do quite a few media interviews – TV, radio, newspapers and magazines – plenty of examples here. (Any media requests – please tweet @zoeharcombe and please try again if I don’t get back to you quickly enough, in case I’ve missed it in notifications – many thanks).

I’ve got a BA and MA from Cambridge University (economics/maths). I’m proud to have been the first pupil from my state (comprehensive) school to have graduated from Cambridge. I was even more proud to be voted college student president by my peers while there – only the second female president in over 630 years (well it did take them almost that long to admit women!)

In 2016, I was awarded a Ph.D. in public health nutrition. My thesis title was “An examination of the randomised controlled trial and epidemiological evidence for the introduction of dietary fat recommendations in 1977 and 1983: A systematic review and meta-analysis.” The full document is available to site members here.


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