萨利姆·优素福教授(Salim Yusuf OC FRSC)是国际知名的心脏病学家和流行病学家。现任心脏与中风基金会心血管疾病Marion W.Burke主席、麦克马斯特大学医学院和汉密尔顿健康科学杰出医学教授,Yusuf 无疑是加拿大最具生产力和影响力的心血管研究人员,也是世界最有成就的医学研究人员之一。
在四十年的职业生涯中,Yusuf 的工作极大地影响了全球数以千万计的心血管疾病 (CVD) 的预防和治疗。作为一名罗德学者,他在印度班加罗尔的圣约翰医学院获得医学资格,他还获得了牛津大学的哲学博士学位,他的原创和高产的研究成果是他科学动力的早期指标。
在博士期间和之后所做的工作使 Yusuf 发现了降低急性心肌梗塞患者死亡率——包括发现 β 受体阻滞剂、阿司匹林、溶栓疗法、抗血栓形成剂和 ACE 抑制剂降低了某些心脏病患者的死亡率,并且它们的共同使用将致命后果减少了一半以上。他还提出了联合药物治疗预防心血管疾病的想法,现在称为复方药概念,通过20多年的一系列研究,他证明,在已知没有心脏病的人群中,它将心脏病发作、中风和相关死亡减少了50%以上。牛津大学的 Yusuf 和他的同事开发了用于大型、简单试验和荟萃分析的概念和方法——这些创新改变了专家评估许多学科干预措施的方式,改变了流行病学和临床试验领域,并奠定了循证医学的基础.
今天,优素福领导着遍布所有有人居住的大陆的 60 多个国家的全球研究。也许最著名的项目是 INTERHEART、INTERSTROKE 和 PURE,他的工作极大地提高了医学界对心脏病和中风的生物学、行为和社会原因以及控制它们的方法的认识。
优素福几乎获得了世界上每个主要心脏病学会的最高奖项。他被任命为加拿大勋章官员,入选加拿大皇家学会和加拿大医学名人堂,并获得加拿大-盖尔德纳奖。优素福拥有四个荣誉博士学位,目前是心血管医学领域被引用次数最多的科学家,也是历史上被引用次数最多的 20 位健康研究人员之一。他在汉密尔顿建立了人口健康研究所,该研究所拥有 300 名研究人员,他们在 100 个国家进行研究,其中许多人在世界各地对多种疾病进行了先进的预防和治疗。

Salim Yusuf is an internationally renowned cardiologist and epidemiologist. Now the Heart and Stroke Foundation Marion W. Burke Chair in Cardiovascular Disease and Distinguished Professor of Medicine at McMaster University Medical School and Hamilton Health Sciences, Yusuf is undoubtedly the most productive and impactful cardiovascular researcher in Canada—and among the most accomplished medical researchers in the world.
Over a four-decade career, Yusuf’s work has substantially influenced the prevention and treatment of cardiovascular disease (CVD) for tens of millions of people around the globe. A Rhodes Scholar who qualified medically at St. John’s Medical College, in Bangalore, India, Yusuf also earned a DPhil from Oxford University, where his original and highly productive research output was an early indicator of his scientific drive.
Work he performed during and after his doctorate led Yusuf to discoveries that lowered mortality in patients with acute myocardial infarction—including the discovery that beta-blockers, aspirin, thrombolytic therapy, anti-thrombotics and ACE inhibitors reduced mortality for certain patients with heart diseases, and that their collective use decreases fatal outcomes by more than half. He also proposed the idea of combination drug treatments to prevent CVD, now called the polypill concept and, through a series of studies over two decades, he demonstrated that it reduced heart attacks, strokes and related deaths by over 50% in those without known heart disease. Yusuf and his colleagues at Oxford developed the concepts and methods for large, simple trials and meta-analyses—innovations that have transformed how experts evaluate interventions in many disciplines, changed the fields of epidemiology and clinical trials and laid the foundations of evidence-based medicine.
Today, Yusuf leads global studies in more than 60 countries across all inhabited continents. Perhaps best known for programs such as INTERHEART, INTERSTROKE and PURE, his work has vastly improved the medical community’s knowledge about the biological, behavioural and societal causes of heart disease and stroke, as well as approaches to control them.
Yusuf has been honoured with top awards from virtually every major cardiac society in the world. He has been appointed an Officer of the Order of Canada, inducted into the Royal Society of Canada and the Canadian Medical Hall of Fame and received the Canada-Gairdner Prize. Yusuf has four honorary doctorate degrees, is currently the top-cited scientist in cardiovascular medicine and is among the 20 most cited health researchers in history. He established the Population Health Research Institute, in Hamilton, which has 300 researchers who conduct studies in 100 countries, many of which have advanced prevention and treatment for multiple diseases around the world.