斯蒂芬·菲尼(Stephen Phinney, MD, PhD)是 Virta 健康机构 的首席创新官和联合创始人,Virta Health是第一个经临床验证的无需药物或手术就能安全、可持续逆转2型糖尿病的治疗方法。
菲尼博士的临床经验包括住院和门诊临床营养,在三个地点指导多学科体重管理计划,他设计、完成并发布了20多个临床方案的数据,涉及饮食、运动、氧化应激和炎症。他在学术和工业环境中的临床营养试验设计方面的丰富经验已经导致超过87篇同行评议论文和关于临床营养和生物化学的书籍章节。他是四本书的作者,包括低碳水化合物生活的艺术与科学和低碳水化合物表现的艺术与科学,两本关于低碳水化合物营养科学和营养酮病的基础性书籍,他与Jeff Volek博士合著,菲尼博士也曾在《美国临床营养学杂志》的编辑委员会任职。

Stephen Phinney is the Chief Innovation Officer and Co-Founder of Virta Health, the first clinically-proven treatment to safely and sustainably reverse type 2 diabetes without medications or surgery.
As a physician-scientist with 40 years of experience divided between academic internal medicine and industry, Dr. Phinney has studied nutritional biochemistry with a long-term focus on low carbohydrate research and its benefits for physical performance and insulin sensitivity. His career has emphasized the interaction between diet and exercise and their effects on obesity, body composition, physical performance, and cellular membrane structure.
A Professor of Medicine Emeritus at University of California, Davis, Dr. Phinney is an internationally recognized expert on obesity, carbohydrate-restricted and ketogenic diets, diet and performance, and essential fatty acid metabolism. He has held clinical faculty appointments at MIT and the Universities of Vermont, Minnesota, and California at Davis as well as leadership positions at Monsanto, Galileo Laboratories, and Efficas.
Dr. Phinney’s clinical experience includes inpatient and outpatient clinical nutrition, directing multidisciplinary weight management programs in three locations, and he has designed, completed, and published data from more than 20 clinical protocols involving diets, exercise, oxidative stress, and inflammation. His extensive experience in the design of clinical nutrition trials in both academic and industrial settings has led to more than 87 peer-reviewed papers and book chapters on clinical nutrition and biochemistry. He is the author of four books, including The Art and Science of Low Carbohydrate Living and The Art and Science of Low Carbohydrate Performance, two foundational books on low carb nutrition science and nutritional ketosis that he co-authored with Jeff Volek, Ph.D, RD. Dr. Phinney also previously served on the editorial board of the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.
Dr. Phinney received his medical degree from Stanford University, holds a Doctorate in nutritional biochemistry and metabolism from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and completed post-doctoral research at Harvard University.