讲者与机构知名讲者妮娜·泰科尔兹 / Nina Teicholz

妮娜·泰科尔兹 / Nina Teicholz


妮娜·泰科尔兹(Nina Teicholz)是一位新闻调查记者,主张放宽对美国饮食中天然脂肪(包括所谓的“饱和脂肪”)的限制。她是《纽约时报》畅销书《脂肪的大意外》(Big Fat Surprise)的作者,这是对数以千计已发表的有关营养与人类健康的科学研究进行的长达十年的研究成果。《经济学人》将其命名为 2014 年排名第一的科学书籍,它还被《华尔街日报》、《福布斯》、《琼斯妈妈》和《图书馆杂志》评为 2014 年*最佳书籍*。 《脂肪的大意外》(Big Fat Surprise) 颠覆了关于膳食脂肪的传统观念,并挑战了营养政策的核心。



Nina Teicholz is an investigative journalist and author of the International (and New York Times) bestseller, The Big Fat Surprise (Simon & Schuster). The Economist named it the #1 science book of 2014, and it was also named a 2014 *Best Book* by the Wall Street Journal, Forbes, Mother Jones, and Library Journal. The Big Fat Surprise has upended the conventional wisdom on dietary fat and challenged the very core of our nutrition policy.

A review of the book in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition said, “This book should be read by every nutritional science professional..” A former editor of the British Medical Journal said, “Teicholz has done a remarkable job in analysing [the] weak science, strong personalities, vested interests, and political expediency” of nutrition science.

Before taking a deep dive into researching nutrition science for nearly a decade, Teicholz was a reporter for National Public Radio and also contributed to many publications, including the Wall Street Journal, New York Times, Washington Post, The New Yorker, and The Economist. She attended Yale and Stanford where she studied biology and majored in American Studies. She has a master’s degree from Oxford University and served as associate director of the Center for Globalization and Sustainable Development at Columbia University. She lives in New York City.

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