迈克·莫斯利(Michael Mosley)拥有英国医学学位、是BBC健康节目主持人、记者和执行制片人。代表作有《轻断食》、《轻健身》、《the Fast 800》健康领域的书籍,被誉为“瘦身界的乔布斯” 。

他最近在Porton Down内部展示了:英国BBC四台的秘密武器研究设施和电子烟:奇迹还是威胁?BBC二台。
Michael Mosley is a science presenter, journalist and executive producer. He is also the the author of the international bestselling books The Clever Guts Diet, The Fast Diet, Fast Exercise and The 8-Week Blood Sugar Diet.
He recently presented Inside Porton Down: Britain’s Secret Weapons Research Facility for BBC Four and E-Cigarettes: Miracle or Menace? for BBC Two.