最新研究表明:生酮饮食可提高癌症生存率/Long-Term Effects of a Ketogenic Diet for Cancer

撰写:Michelle 日期:2023年5月26日





论文中提到,2014年诊断为晚期肺腺癌的患者在日本的五年生存率为8.0%,而结肠癌的五年生存率为19.8%。然而,该研究发现,长期坚持生酮饮食可以改善晚期癌症患者的预后。在坚持饮食三个月以上的37名患者中,中位总生存期为25.1个月,五年生存率为23.9%。该研究还评估了55名患者对生酮饮食持续时间与预后的关联,并发现持续饮食12个月以上的患者与未持续饮食的患者相比,总生存率显著更高。因此,生酮饮食似乎可以改善晚期癌症患者的生存率。 这项研究规模还比较小且为回顾性研究,未来仍需要进行前瞻性和对照性试验,并扩大病人群体规模,以进一步证实这一观点。

Some people have concerns about the safety of the ketogenic diet, but a team of doctors from Osaka University in Japan has proven that long-term adherence to the ketogenic diet can improve cancer survival rates. This clinical study, published in the international journal “Nutrients” on May 16, 2023, has inspired and motivated the medical team for further research.

The ketogenic diet is a high-fat, low-carbohydrate dietary approach. Previous randomized controlled trials on ovarian cancer and endometrial cancer patients have shown that the ketogenic diet can improve patients’ quality of life, reduce fat mass, and decrease blood insulin levels. However, due to differences in study design or limited generalizability, the association between the ketogenic diet and overall cancer survival rates has been controversial. The recently published decade-long study sheds light on the potential long-term effects of this diet on cancer patients.

The study conducted at Osaka University Hospital took place from February 2013 to December 2018 and included patients diagnosed with stage IV cancer. At the beginning of the study, participants strictly limited their daily carbohydrate intake to no more than 10 grams during the first week. From the second week onwards, their daily carbohydrate intake was limited to 20 grams for three months. Patients who wished to continue the ketogenic diet restricted their carbohydrate intake to below 30 grams after three months. Their progress was continuously monitored during and after the ketogenic diet, with follow-ups until March 2023.

The paper mentions that the five-year survival rate for patients diagnosed with advanced lung adenocarcinoma in Japan in 2014 was 8.0%, while the five-year survival rate for colon cancer was 19.8%. However, the study found that long-term adherence to the ketogenic diet can improve the prognosis of advanced cancer patients. Among the 37 patients who adhered to the diet for three months or more, the median overall survival period was 25.1 months, with a five-year survival rate of 23.9%.

The study also evaluated the association between the duration of ketogenic diet adherence and prognosis in 55 patients and found that patients who continued the diet for more than 12 months had significantly higher overall survival rates compared to those who did not. Therefore, the ketogenic diet appears to improve the survival rate of patients with advanced cancer.

Although this study has a relatively small sample size and is retrospective in nature, future prospective and controlled trials with larger patient populations are needed to further confirm these findings.

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菲利普·奥瓦迪亚 (Philip Ovadia) 博士是一位美国心脏外科医生、Ovadia Heart Health 创始人,也是新书《远离我的手术台》的作者。


菲利普·奥瓦迪亚 (Philip Ovadia) 博士,是一名心脏外科医生、作家兼 Ovadia Heart Health 创始人。 在我们的谈话中,奥瓦迪亚博士挑战了关于心脏病的传统观点——澄清胆固醇对身体的作用,并强调需要提高对炎症和胰岛素抵抗的认识。

