讲者与机构知名讲者丹·马格斯 医生/Dr. Dan Maggs

丹·马格斯 医生/Dr. Dan Maggs




你好,我是丹·马格斯医生(Dr. Dan Maggs)


直到 2016 年初,我才正式肥胖,但在短短 6 个月内,我的体重恢复正常,从那以后我一直保持体重!




我几乎尝试了每一种节食方法,虽然在短期内减肥通常很容易,但在每次“节食”大约 6 周后,我最终感到完全筋疲力尽,饿极了!




My Story

I can’t ever remember being slim as a child and I continued to gain weight through my teenage years and throughout Medical School.

I’d tried pretty much every diet going and whilst losing weight in the short term was usually pretty easy, at around 6 weeks into every ‘diet’ I ended up feeling COMPLETELY EXHAUSTED and CRAZY HUNGRY!

SOUND FAMILIAR? Diet over. Go back to the start!

(in fact, actually gain more weight).

My years spent as a junior doctor really didn’t help. They were stressful and crazy busy, grabbing food from the hospital canteen whenever I could. Even when I managed to establish a regular exercise habit the weight still wouldn’t budge.

我发现自己在 30 岁出头时正式肥胖

尽管现在是一名完全合格的全科医生(家庭医生),他真的应该知道如何解决这个问题,但我对自己的体重完全无能为力。 我开始相信我没有回头路了,而且我注定要年复一年地继续增加体重。

I found myself in my early 30’s officially obese

Despite now being a fully qualified GP (Family Practice doctor) who really should know how to fix this problem, I felt completely powerless to do anything about my weight. I started to believe that there was no way back for me and that I was destined to continue to gain weight year in, year out.


2016 年初,我的一切都变了,我的意思是一切。我记得就像昨天一样。



2016 年 2 月 14 日,我的体重比我有生以来的任何时候都重。那天之后的 6 周,我减掉了 20 磅(9 公斤),但这一次我没有感到筋疲力尽,我精力充沛。我知道有些不同。

除了 2016 年 5 月去巴黎的短暂休息,我尝试在羊角面包和法式长棍面包中吃自己的体重(是的,仍然可以享受自己并实现减肥目标)我在整个春季和夏季继续减肥2016 年,直到我的体重正常化!

2016 年 8 月 24 日是我的体重正式“正常”的第一天。

My Journey

In early 2016 everything changed for me, and I mean EVERYTHING. I remember it like it was yesterday.

I was on a skiing trip in the French Alps with my wife and some friends. It was a shared chalet and we were having breakfast with some people that we didn’t know. One of the guys from another group was spooning butter into his coffee. This seemed like a really strange thing to do. But being curious about why he is doing this, and I asked him.

We got talking, and the information he shared with me that week changed my life for the better, forever. As soon as I got back from that trip I began putting his teachings into practice.

On 14th February 2016 I weighed more than I’ve ever done in my life. 6 weeks after that day I had lost 20lbs (9kg), but this time I didn’t feel exhausted, I had loads of energy. I KNEW something was different.

Other than a short break to Paris in May 2016 where I attempted to eat my own body weight in croissants and baguettes (yes it is still possible to enjoy yourself and still achieve your weight loss goals) I continued to lose weight throughout the spring and summer of 2016 until I had normalised my weight!

August 24th 2016 was the first day that my weight was officially ‘normal’.


这张图显示了我的实际体重减轻……从 2016 年 2 月的 108 公斤以上到同年 8 月的 85 公斤以下。 从那以后我一直保持着它!

My Weight Loss Graph

This graph shows my actual weight loss… from over 108kg in February 2016 to under 85kg in August of the same year. I’ve maintained it ever since!


  • 少吃多动——只是对我们中的许多人不起作用——无论你尝试多少次,它永远不会。
  • 你超重并不是因为你懒惰或贪吃——很可能你过去曾得到过一些不好的建议——就像我在医学院得到的一样。
  • 减肥不需要超人的意志力——你拥有成功减肥所需的所有意志力。 你只需要以正确的方式去做
  • 还有另一种方法——我相信,如果你有正确的建议,而且重要的是——支持,你可以改变现状并实现持久的减肥效果!

I want you to know these 4 things:-

  1. Eat less, Move More – just doesn’t work for many of us – It never will, no matter how many times you try.
  2. You are not overweight because you are lazy or gluttonous – chances are you’ve been given some bad advice in the past – just like I was given at medical school. 
  3. Losing weight does not require superhuman amounts of willpower – you have all the willpower you need to successfully lose weight. You just have to do it the right way
  4. There is another way – I believe that you can change things around and achieve long-lasting weight loss if you have the right advice and, importantly – support!



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