讲者与机构知名讲者布雷特·谢尔 医生/ Dr. Bret Scher

布雷特·谢尔 医生/ Dr. Bret Scher


布雷特·谢尔 医生(Dr. Bret Scher)希望成为您遇到过的最独特的心脏病专家。他也曾是著名的 饮食医生 健康机构的知名主持人,如今是 Metabolic Mind 的医学主管。




  • 健康且不使用处方药。
  • 健康让您感觉很棒,感觉精力充沛,过着您一直梦想的生活。
  • 健康由你自己掌控









•Titleist 性能学院的医疗和健身提供者




毕业于斯坦福大学,获得生物学学士学位 1994

1998 年毕业于俄亥俄州立大学医学院并获得医学学位

2001 年完成在加利福尼亚州圣地亚哥慈善医院的内科实习和住院医师培训

2002 年担任慈善医院内科住院医师计划的住院总医师


2005 年至今,圣地亚哥 Sharp Rees Stealy 医疗中心的心脏病学合作伙伴

2015 年至今,创始人兼首席医师 Boundless Health


  • 成人心血管疾病
  • 成人超声心动图
  • 核心脏病学

About Dr. Bret Scher

I hope to be the most unique cardiologist you have ever encountered.

Sure, I am a card-carrying, board certified cardiologist. And I spent years learning the invasive procedures and the medications used to treat heart disease. Now I want to do everything in my power to make sure those multi-billion dollar tools and drugs go unused.

My goal is to inspire individuals just like you to dictate your own health by adopting healthy lifestyle habits that allow you to achieve your best health ever:

  • Health free of prescription drugs.
  • Health that leaves you feeling great, feeling energetic, and living the life you have always dreamed.
  • Health with you in control

Having competed in triathlons ever since I was a teenager, fitness and health were always obsessions of mine. In college at Stanford University, I was able to maintain my daily training and focus on healthy nutrition. Then, real-life happened. I entered Ohio State University’s medical school, followed by my internal medicine residency at Mercy Hospital in San Diego, and a fellowship in preventive cardiology at Scripps Clinic. Suddenly those gym visits, long runs and bike rides became a struggle to maintain. Finding time to eat well, stay active, get enough sleep, and handle the stress of a high-stakes job became a constant presence in my life.

Fortunately, I knew the importance of these habits and I did my best to maintain them, even if on a smaller scale. As I entered my cardiology practice in San Diego, I encountered thousands of people who struggled far more than I did to maintain healthy habits. Some had never exercised or paid any attention to their nutrition. It just wasn’t how they were raised, and they hadn’t considered it important.

Others knew what they “should” be doing but lacked the tools and support structure to implement them. As a result, our healthcare system is full of people suffering from diseases that are completely preventable. Suddenly, I had a clear mission: to empower all my patients to help themselves. To empower them to make the best-informed choices possible about everything from food to activity to sleep to stress management, every single day. After all, the best way to “treat” someone is to prevent the need for treatment in the first place.

I’ve since studied extensively in the areas of functional medicine, personal fitness training, and nutrition and added the following certifications to my credentials as a physician:

  • Functional medicine from Functional Medicine University
  • Personal training from NASM
  • Fitness nutrition from NASM
  • Behavioral modification from NASM
  • Medical and fitness provider from Titleist Performance Institute

This extra training has broadened my perspective, allowing me to be a doctor, a health coach, a nutritionist, a personal trainer, and a cheerleader all wrapped into one. It is with this mindset that I can give my clients all the tools they need to lead healthy, natural lives.

So am I the most unique cardiologist you have ever met? In the end, it doesn’t really matter. What does matter is that I can help you take control of your health. I can help you experience natural health that comes from daily healthy lifestyle habits. I can help you safely get off your medicines or ensure that you never need them in the first place. Let’s start this journey together, and you will see how great you can feel and how healthy you can be!

Education, Titles and Certifications:

  • Graduated from Stanford University with a B.S. in biology 1994
  • Graduated from The Ohio State University Medical School with a M.D. 1998
  • Internal medicine internship and residency at Mercy Hospital San Diego, CA completed 2001
  • Chief Resident for the Mercy Hospital Internal Medicine Residency Program 2002
  • General and Preventive Cardiology fellowship at Scripps Clinic, La Jolla, CA completed 2005
  • Cardiology partner at Sharp Rees Stealy, San Diego 2005-present
  • Founder and lead physician Boundless Health 2015-present

Board certified in:

  • Adult cardiovascular diseases
  • Adult echocardiography
  • Nuclear cardiology

Prior Certifications:

  • Functional Medicine
  • Personal Trainer
  • Fitness nutrition
  • Behavior modification


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