讲者与机构知名讲者福特.布鲁尔医生/Dr. Ford Brewer

福特.布鲁尔医生/Dr. Ford Brewer


福特布鲁尔医生(Dr. Ford Brewer MD, MPH,医学学位,公共卫生硕士)在约翰霍普金斯大学负责研究生医学预防项目,在同行评审的医学期刊上发表了超过 25 篇文章,并在预防、初级保健和远程医疗方面管理了多个大型医疗团队。

布鲁尔博士最初是一名急诊医生。在看到太多可预防的心脏病发作后,他去了约翰霍普金斯大学学习预防医学。在那里,他继续参加预防医学​​的研究生培训计划(住院医师)。从那里开始,他从事预防医学和初级保健诊所的实践和管理工作。他后来在该领域担任的职务是 Premise 的首席医疗官,该公司拥有近 1,000 家初级保健/预防诊所。他还是第二大远程医疗公司 MDLIVE 的首席医疗官。最近,他创立了心脏病发作和中风预防诊所 PrevMed。

许多患者已经开始喜欢 Brewer 博士的 Youtube 频道,因为他们对背后的科学有深刻的了解。

Dr. Ford Brewer


Dr. Ford Brewer ran the postgraduate program in prevention at Johns Hopkins, has over 25 publications in peer-reviewed medical journals and has run several large medical staff teams in prevention, primary care, and telemedicine. Many of our patients have come to love Dr. Brewer’s Youtube channel with insight on the science behind our approach.

Dr. Brewer started as an Emergency Doctor. After seeing too many preventable heart attacks, he went to Johns Hopkins to learn Preventive Medicine. While there, he went on the run the post-graduate training program (residency) in Preventive Medicine. From there, he made a career of practicing and managing preventive medicine and primary care clinics. His later role in this area was Chief Medical Officer for Premise, which has close to 1,000 primary care/prevention clinics. He was also the Chief Medical Officer for MDLIVE, the second largest telemedicine company. More recently, he founded PrevMed, a heart attack, and stroke prevention clinic.


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