讲者与机构知名讲者苏丹·林贾维 医生/Dr. Sultan Linjawi

苏丹·林贾维 医生/Dr. Sultan Linjawi


苏丹·林贾维医生(Dr. Sultan Linjawi)是国际知名的全球讲师和主旨演讲人,在全球50多个城市发表了演讲。他经常被要求与糖尿病专家、内分泌学家、全科医生和糖尿病教育工作者交谈,并在过去5年中向9000多名医生授课。他是一位备受尊敬并发表过论文的研究人员,他热切地相信,改善人类健康的答案是将科学知识传达给每天与之打交道的人。

Dr Sultan Linjawi is an internationally renowned global lecturer and keynote speaker who has spoken in over 50 cities across the world. He is regularly asked to speak to diabetes specialists, endocrinologists, GPs and diabetes educators and has lectured to over 9000 doctors in the last 5 years. He is a highly-respected and published researcher who passionately believes that the answer to improving the health of people is communicating the science to the people who are dealing with it every day.


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