糖不是人类的礼物|Sugar is Not a Treat

在当今广为接受的饮食中,糖无处不在,但与此同时,它造成的破坏性影响造成的死亡人数比车祸还多。 在这场令人大开眼界的演讲中,Jody Stanislaw 博士是一位自 7 岁被诊断患有 1 型糖尿病以来一直在研究糖的负面影响的自然疗法医生,他深入探讨了糖的广泛负面影响如何影响我们所有人 ,以及您可以采取什么措施。

Jody Stanislaw 博士于 2007 年获得自然疗法医学博士学位。她是一名经过认证的糖尿病教育者、1 型糖尿病专家,也是低碳水化合物糖尿病协会的创始董事会成员。 自七岁起就患有 1 型糖尿病,她将自己的职业生涯奉献给了帮助其他患有 1 型糖尿病的人。

从她 30 多年的经验中,她传授了有关如何成功管理 1 型的改变生活的信息,这是大多数医生从未学过的,而数百万与 1 型作斗争的人迫切需要知道。 来自三十多个州和十个国家的患者通过她的虚拟实践与她合作。 然而,全世界仍有数百万人仍在苦苦挣扎。

为了弥补这一差距,她将很快推出首个 1 型糖尿病虚拟培训课程,目标是改善全球数百万 1 型糖尿病患者的生活。 该演讲是在 TEDx 活动中使用 TED 会议形式进行的,但由当地社区独立组织。 在 https://www.ted.com/tedx 了解更多信息

Sugar is hiding everywhere in today’s widely-accepted diet, but meanwhile its devastating effects are creating more deaths than automobile accidents. In this eye-opening talk, Dr. Jody Stanislaw, a Naturopathic Doctor who has been studying the negative effects of sugar since being diagnosed with type 1 diabetes at the age of 7, dives into how the widespread negative effects of sugar are effecting us all, and what you can do about it.

Dr. Jody Stanislaw received her Doctorate in Naturopathic Medicine in 2007. She is a Certified Diabetes Educator, Type 1 Diabetes Specialist, and a founding board member of the Low Carb Diabetes Association. Having lived with Type 1 Diabetes since the age of seven, she has dedicated her career to helping others with Type 1.

From her 30+ years of experience, she teaches life-changing information about how to successfully manage Type 1 that most physicians have never learned, and the millions struggling with Type 1 desperately need to know. Patients from over thirty states and ten countries have worked with her via her virtual practice. Yet there are millions around the world still struggling.

To tackle this gap, she will soon be launching the first-ever, Type 1 diabetes virtual training course, with the goal of improving the lives of millions of Type 1’s around the world. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at https://www.ted.com/tedx

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菲利普·奥瓦迪亚 (Philip Ovadia) 博士是一位美国心脏外科医生、Ovadia Heart Health 创始人,也是新书《远离我的手术台》的作者。


菲利普·奥瓦迪亚 (Philip Ovadia) 博士,是一名心脏外科医生、作家兼 Ovadia Heart Health 创始人。 在我们的谈话中,奥瓦迪亚博士挑战了关于心脏病的传统观点——澄清胆固醇对身体的作用,并强调需要提高对炎症和胰岛素抵抗的认识。

韦斯特曼医生:为什么 2 型糖尿病药物不能解决问题?

韦斯特曼博士将谈论糖尿病药物以及为什么它们不能解决潜在的代谢问题,反而会使情况变得更糟。 了解为什么胰岛素不是治疗 2 型糖尿病的答案。



