纳维德·萨塔尔 (Naveed Sattar) 是格拉斯哥大学代谢医学教授,在心脏代谢医学领域享有国际认可,并在其他学科中拥有卓越的合作记录,他的成果有助于塑造临床实践的特定领域。 他在心脏代谢医学方面的工作帮助挑战了传统智慧并带来了新的范式,其中一些发现被纳入了临床指南。 他为多项英国和欧洲指南做出了贡献,包括英国联合学会心血管风险建议的编辑委员会,并且是相关 SIGN 指南的现任主席。 他是英国生物银行国际顾问委员会的成员。
Naveed Sattar, Professor of Metabolic Medicine at the University of Glasgow, is internationally recognised in cardiometabolic medicine, and has a remarkable track record of collaboration in other disciplines where his outputs have helped shape specific areas of clinical practice. His work in cardiometabolic medicine has helped challenge conventional wisdom and led to new paradigms, with several findings incorporated into clinical guidelines. He has contributed to several UK and European guidelines, including the editorial board of the Joint British Societies cardiovascular risk recommendations, and is the current chair of the related SIGN guidelines. He is on the International Advisory Board for UK Biobank.