讲者与机构知名讲者蒂姆·斯佩克特教授 / Prof. Tim Spector

蒂姆·斯佩克特教授 / Prof. Tim Spector


蒂姆·斯佩克特教授( Prof.Tim Spector)是伦敦国王学院具有医学资格的流行病学教授和 TwinsUK 主任。 他目前的工作重点是微生物组和营养,他是数据科学公司 ZOE Ltd 的联合创始人,该公司已将用于个性化营养的家用套件商业化。

蒂姆·斯佩克特教授:“ 我使用包含 10,000 对双胞胎的英国双胞胎登记处 (TWINSUK),通过遗传流行病学研究常见复杂性状和疾病的基因发现。 我研究各种各样的疾病,从背痛到焦虑,从打鼾到性行为。 我们小组专注于与年龄相关的疾病,例如心血管疾病、代谢特征、运动问题(例如骨质疏松症和骨关节炎)、认知功能和眼部疾病。我们拥有大量双胞胎的全基因组扫描和表达数据。”

Tim Spector, Professor of Genetic Epidemiology,

Head of Department, Department of Twin Research & Genetic Epidemiology.

Tim Spector is a medically qualified Professor of Epidemiology and Director of the TwinsUK registry at King’s College London. His current work focuses on the microbiome and nutrition, and he is co-founder of the data science company ZOE Ltd which has commercialised a home kit for personalised nutrition.

I use the UK twins registry (TWINSUK) of 10,000 twins to pursue gene discovery in the common complex traits and diseases via genetic epidemiology. I study a wide variety of diseases from back pain to anxiety, snoring to sexuality. Our group focus on age related diseases such as CVD, metabolic traits, locomotor problems such as osteoporosis and osteoarthritis, cognitive function and eye disorders.We have genomewide scans and expression data on large numbers of the twins.



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