斯蒂芬·库纳内博士(Dr. Stephen Cunnane) 于 1980 年在麦吉尔大学获得生理学博士学位,随后在阿伯丁、伦敦和新斯科舍省从事营养和大脑发育方面的博士后研究。从 1986 年到 2003 年,他是多伦多大学营养科学系的教员,他的研究涉及两个重叠的领域——(i)omega-3 脂肪酸在大脑发育和人类健康中的作用,以及( ii) 酮类、高脂肪生酮饮食和大脑发育之间的关系。
2003 年,斯蒂芬·库纳内博士被授予加拿大老龄研究中心高级研究主席,并成为舍布鲁克大学医学和生理学与生物物理学系的正教授。他目前研究的主要主题是利用脑成像技术研究衰老过程中大脑燃料代谢和认知功能的变化,并了解 omega-3 脂肪酸稳态如何以及为何在衰老过程中发生变化。 He has published over 280 peer-reviewed research papers and was elected to the French National Academy of Medicine in 2009.
斯蒂芬·库纳内博士出版了五本书,包括两本关于人类健康的亚麻籽和两本关于人类大脑进化的营养和代谢限制的书籍——最胖的生存:人类大脑进化的关键(世界科学 2005 年)和人类大脑进化:人类大脑进化的影响新鲜和沿海食物资源(威利,2010 年)。

Stephen Cunnane, PhD
Professor, Universite de Sherbrooke
Stephen Cunnane obtained a PhD in Physiology at McGill University in 1980, followed by post-doctoral research on nutrition and brain development in Aberdeen, London, and Nova Scotia. He was a faculty member in the Department of Nutritional Sciences, University of Toronto, from 1986 – 2003, where his research was in two overlapping areas – (i) the role of omega-3 fatty acids in brain development and human health, and (ii) the relation between ketones, the very high fat ketogenic diet and brain development.
In 2003, Dr. Cunnane was awarded a senior Canada Research Chair at the Research Center on Aging and became a full professor in the departments of Medicine and Physiology & Biophysics at the Université de Sherbrooke. The main themes of his current research are to use brain imaging techniques to study changing brain fuel metabolism and cognitive function during aging, and to understand how and why omega-3 fatty acid homeostasis changes during aging. He has published over 280 peer-reviewed research papers and was elected to the French National Academy of Medicine in 2009.
Dr. Cunnane has published five books including two on flaxseed in human health and two on nutritional and metabolic constraints on human brain evolution – Survival of the Fattest: The Key to Human Brain Evolution (World Scientific 2005), and Human Brain Evolution: Influence of Fresh and Coastal Food Resources (Wiley, 2010).