莎拉·哈尔伯医生(Dr. Sarah Hallberg)是这场2018年演讲的主角,她也是迄今为止规模最大的生酮饮食临床实验的主管医生。她的演讲将详细向大家介绍这个临床实验的前因后果以及成果(第一年)。本视频是第一部分,这里是第二部分的视频。
注:美国血糖测量单位中 100mg/dl 约=5.6毫摩尔/L;170 约= 9.4;具体换算请查阅《血糖单位转换表》。

莎拉·哈尔伯 医生:“有三种被证明有效的手段可以逆转糖尿病,但主流的“标准治疗方案”却只能使0.1%的患者缓解糖尿病。作为医生我们有义务告诉每一位患者他们有权利作出选择。”
BHB被认为是一种长寿代谢物,最近发表的小鼠研究显示,BHB降低了中年死亡率,延长了寿命和健康寿命。尽管2型糖尿病通常被描述为一种慢性进行性疾病,但新出现的证据表明,持续的营养性酮症可以逆转该疾病。人们越来越有兴趣研究酮症对心血管疾病、癌症和神经退行性疾病(包括阿尔茨海默氏症和帕金森氏症)的潜在治疗效果。某些运动员甚至有理由从营养性酮症和酮类补充剂中受益─ 打破长期以来的信条,即高碳水化合物摄入是实现最佳效果的必要条件。
Dr Sarah Hallberg Type 2 Diabetes Reversal
Filmed at the Emerging Science of Carbohydrate Restriction and Nutritional Ketosis, Scientific Sessions at The Ohio State University Learn more at https://blog.virtahealth.com/category… An impressive body of scientific evidence over the last 15 years documents long term benefits of carbohydrate-restricted, especially ketogenic, diets. We now understand molecular mechanisms and why they work.
Popular books and articles now challenge the advice ‘carbohydrates are good and fats are bad.’ Circa mid-19th century urinary ketones were identified in diabetics sealing their toxic label for the next 150 years. Despite work four decades ago showing ketones were highly functional metabolites, they are still misidentified as toxic byproducts of fat metabolism. The vilification of fat by regulatory and popular dogma perpetuates this myth. But the nutrition-metabolic landscape is improving dramatically.
A growing number of researchers have contributed to what is now a critical mass of science that provides compelling clinical evidence that ketogenic diets uniquely benefit weight loss, pre-diabetes, and type-2 diabetes. In the last five years, basic scientists have discovered that b-hydroxybutyrate (BHB), the primary circulating ketone, is a potent signaling molecule that decreases inflammation and oxidative stress. BHB has been suggested to be a longevity metabolite, with strong support from recently published mouse studies showing decreased midlife mortality and extended longevity and healthspan.
Although type-2 diabetes is often described as a chronic progressive disease, emerging evidence indicates that sustained nutritional ketosis can reverses the disease. There is growing interest in studying potential therapeutic effects of ketosis on cardiovascular diseases, cancer, and neurodegenerative diseases including Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s. There are even reasons certain athletes may benefit from nutritional ketosis and ketone supplements ─ debunking the long-standing dogma that high carbohydrate intake is required to perform optimally.
With the support of the well-established Ohio State Food Innovation Center, this conference will bring together the top experts in these fields to share what has been achieved and what remains to be done to advance this exciting field of scientific discovery.