讲者与机构知名讲者莎拉·哈尔伯 医生/ Dr. Sarah Hallberg

莎拉·哈尔伯 医生/ Dr. Sarah Hallberg


莎拉·哈尔伯医生 (Dr. Sarah Hallberg,已于2022年3月离世) 曾是 Virta Health 健康机构的医学总监,这是第一个经临床验证的无需药物或手术就能安全、可持续地逆转2型糖尿病的治疗方法。

作为一名内科医生和运动生理学家,她热衷于通过饮食和运动帮助人们保持健康,她负责为Virta Health的医生专家团队提供医疗监督,并监督 Virta Health 参与者的临床策略。

在加入Virta Health之前,莎拉·哈尔伯医生创建了印第安纳大学Arnett医院监督减肥计划,她仍然担任该计划的医学主任。她的诊所是Virta临床试验的主任。她还是印第安纳大学医学院的兼职临床助理教授,此前曾在印第安纳大学健康学院担任内科医师六年。

莎拉·哈尔伯医生是代谢控制和2型糖尿病专家,也是营养联盟(Nutrition Coalition)的执行董事。营养联盟是一个非营利组织,旨在教育公众和决策者加强国家营养政策的必要性,以使其建立在全面的结论性科学基础上,在缺乏科学的地方,鼓励更多的研究。





With the heaviest of hearts, we want to share that our dear friend and colleague Dr. Sarah Hallberg has passed away from lung cancer. We are devastated. Our deepest sympathies go out to her family, friends, and loved ones.

Sarah has been open about her condition. In a 2020 piece she explained what it was like to live with stage IV lung cancer during a pandemic, despite having never smoked and being only in her 40s. Given the grim prognosis several years ago, it’s remarkable that she lived until today.

Then again, if you know Sarah, you wouldn’t be surprised that she repeatedly beat the odds. Challenging the status quo was simply a part of her DNA. This fueled her passion for helping those who may not have a voice in our complicated healthcare system, inspiring those around her through an unmatched combination of courage, compassion, and curiosity.


The universe aligned to bring us together in 2015, and for this we feel endlessly fortunate. Virta was just a year old and we were in need of allies in mainstream medicine. Sarah had just given a seminal TED talk on diabetes reversal, and sought us out to offer to collaborate on our defining research. To this she brought unmistakable energy—a desire to understand and publish scientific truth combined with relentless positivity—and a humble wisdom that made you want to listen and learn.

Sarah became the Principal Investigator in our 5-year clinical trial and co-author of more than a dozen manuscripts and articles. She has become a leading voice in fighting for a better life for those living with diabetes and other metabolic diseases. She has spoken to congressional members, CEOs, physicians, and nearly every influential group you can think of to advocate on behalf of the patient. She literally rocked the world of diabetes care!

No single quality defines her, but it is this advocacy that we will all carry forward to honor her legacy. We embrace patient-first principles at Virta, and no one exemplified this attribute more than Sarah. Her selflessness defied description. When she was diagnosed in 2017, she underwent emergency brain surgery. However, in those early years, most of our team had no clue, as Sarah quickly went back to her passion of helping patients without missing a beat.

Our team is grieving, as are so many others. Yet we are also thankful—thankful for the opportunity and privilege to know her and to be inspired by her, for her friendship and dedication, and for modeling grace and humility. We miss you Sarah. You are forever in our hearts.


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