讲者与机构知名讲者迈克.汉森医生 Dr. Mike Hanson

迈克.汉森医生 Dr. Mike Hanson


以下是关于我的一些相关事实: 我是一名获得认证的内科医师、危重病医师和肺病专家。换句话说,我是一名专门从事内科、危重病医学和肺部疾病的医生。 在医学院、研究生培训和实际医学实践之间,我已经献身了15多年的时间,致力于理解如何预防、诊断和治疗影响成年人的疾病,以及优化和维护健康与体能。 我相信教育是健康的关键。在疾病和健康问题发生之前预防它们是保持健康的最佳且最简单的方法,而预防的关键在于教育。 这就是为什么我大约两年前开始建立一个YouTube频道,制作免费视频,帮助教育人们如何获得和保持健康。 在不到两年的时间里,我的频道已经吸引了超过85万订阅者。

Here are a few relevant facts about me:

I’m a Board-Certified Internist, Intensivist, and Pulmonologist. In other words, I’m a Doctor who specializes in Internal Medicine, Critical Care Medicine, and Pulmonary Disease.

Between Medical School, Postgraduate Training, and my actual practice of medicine, I’ve dedicated over 15 years of my life to understanding how to prevent, diagnose, and treat diseases that affect adults, as well as optimize, and maintain health and fitness.

I believe that education is the key to health. Preventing disease, and health problems before they occur is the best and easiest way to be and stay healthy, and the key to prevention is education.

This is why I started building a YouTube channel about 2 years ago, creating free videos that help educate people on how to get and stay healthy.

In just under 2 years, my channel has grown to over 850,000 subscribers.


Welcome to join us

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