安德鲁.门特博士(Dr. Andrew Mente)是人口健康研究所流行病学项目的首席调查员。他从多伦多大学获得流行病学博士学位,并在麦克马斯特大学完成心血管流行病学的博士后培训,目前担任麦克马斯特大学临床流行病学和生物统计学的助理教授。门特博士曾获得加拿大心脏与中风基金会的研究奖学金和汉密尔顿健康科学研究所的研究早期职业奖。目前,门特博士正在人口城乡流行病学(PURE)研究中工作,他对世界各地人群中必需矿物质(钠、钾、钙、镁)和膳食脂肪酸在心血管疾病中的作用感兴趣。他已发表了45篇论文和2个章节。
Dr. Mente is a principal investigator for the epidemiology program at the Population Health Research Institute. He received his doctoral degree in Epidemiology from the University of Toronto. He completed post-doctoral training in cardiovascular epidemiology at McMaster University, and is currently an assistant professor in Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics at McMaster University. Dr. Mente has received a Research Fellowship from the Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada, and a Research Early Career Award from Hamilton Health Sciences. Dr. Mente is currently working in the Population Urban and Rural Epidemiological (PURE) study, and is interested in the role of essential minerals (sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium) and dietary fatty acids in cardiovascular diseases in populations around the world. He has published 45 papers and 2 Chapters.