讲者与机构知名讲者罗伯特·基尔茨医生 Robert Kiltz, MD

罗伯特·基尔茨医生 Robert Kiltz, MD


基尔茨(Robert Kiltz)医生是一位作家、励志演说家、艺术家、委员会认证的妇产科医生和生殖内分泌学家,也是 CNY Fertility 的创始人和总监。CNY Fertility 是美国最大、最具活力的生育中心之一,曾登上《华尔街日报》、《今日秀》和 CNBC 的节目,帮助塑造生育医学的未来。基尔茨医生拥有 30 多年的经验,开发了以西医为基础、以东方实践以及饮食和生活方式的改变为支持的尖端治疗方案。在帮助患者改变饮食和生活方式以提高生育能力的同时,基尔茨医生发现他同时也在帮助数百名患有其他疾病(糖尿病、肠易激综合征、慢性偏头痛等等)的人。他在生育界之外因开创整体健康运动和生酮生活方式而获得认可。除了自己的媒体渠道外,基尔茨医生还定期出现在许多热门博客上,并以 TEDx 演讲者的身份分享他的观点。

Dr Kiltz is an author, motivational speaker, artist, board-certified OB/GYN and reproductive endocrinologist, and Founder and Director of CNY Fertility, one of the largest and most dynamic fertility centers in the country, featured in the Wall Street Journal, Today Show, and CNBC for helping shape the future of fertility medicine. With more than three decades of experience, Dr. Kiltz has developed cutting-edge protocols grounded in Western medicine and supported by Eastern practices, and changes to diet and lifestyle.

While working with patients on dietary and lifestyle changes for fertility, Dr. Kiltz discovered that he was simultaneously helping hundreds with other medical problems (diabetes, IBS, chronic migraines, and much more). He has earned recognition outside of the fertility world for pioneering the holistic health movement and the keto lifestyle. In addition to his own media outlets, Dr. Kiltz appears regularly on numerous popular blogs and has shared his views as a TEDx speaker.

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