讲者与机构知名讲者保罗.梅森 医生/Dr. Paul Mason

保罗.梅森 医生/Dr. Paul Mason


保罗.梅森医生(Dr Paul Mason)是一名接受过奖学金培训的运动和运动医学医师,拥有医学、物理治疗和职业健康学位。在用低碳水化合物饮食治疗患者并进行了多年实践后,已成为该领域国际公认的专家。


他的综合医学方法不仅适合治疗疾病,还适合优化功能和性能。他治疗的患者范围从普通大众到世界级运动员。我之前曾与 AFL、NRL 和 A-League 运动员的运动员和团队以及不同的奥运团队合作过。他喜欢对运动员和非运动员一视同仁。


  • 澳大拉西亚体育与运动医师学院奖学金
  • 医学学位,外科学位(MBBS)(荣誉)(悉尼大学)
  • 物理治疗学士(乐卓博大学)
  • 职业健康硕士(乐卓博大学)

I’m a Fellowship trained Sports and Exercise Medicine Physician with degrees in Medicine, Physiotherapy and Occupational Health. After treating patients with, and lecturing on, low carbohydrate diets for several years, I am now an internationally recognised authority in this field. 

I firmly believe in the scientific process and will happily challenge medical orthodoxy when warranted by evidence. My clinical practice involves a holistic approach which is informed by evidence rather than conventional thinking. I have special interests in metabolic disease, autoimmune diseases, inflammatory tendon pain and neck & low back pain.

My comprehensive approach to medicine is well suited not only to treating disease, but also optimising function and performance.  I treat patients who range from the general public to world class athletes. I have previously worked with athletes and teams in the AFL, NRL and A-League athletes, as well as different Olympic teams. I enjoy treating both athletes and non-athletes alike. 


  • Fellowship of Australasian College of Sport and Exercise Physicians  
  • Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS) (Honours) (USYD)             
  • Bachelor of Physiotherapy (LTU)                                                                           
  • Master of Occupational Health (LTU)


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诺维茨博士:什么是碳水化合物胰岛素模型?/ Nicholas Norwitz
