讲者与机构知名讲者迈克·穆策尔/ Mike Mutzel

迈克·穆策尔/ Mike Mutzel


迈克·穆策尔(Mike Mutzel)于2006从华盛顿大学获得生物学学士学位,于2015在布里奇波特大学完成临床营养学硕士学位,毕业于功能医学研究所(IFM),在临床实践中应用功能医学(AFMCP)。他是天然产品行业的功能医学顾问,曾与丹佛PC Care Group医学博士杰拉德·吉洛里(Gerard Guillory)一起担任营养师,Mike与Guillory博士一起在丹佛地区的大型患者群体中演讲,他们在当地电视节目中讨论营养和功能医学的力量。





Mike Mutzel和Deanna Mutzel的高强度健康



So you want to know a little more about this guy Mike Mutzel who makes all these YouTube videos and podcasts, eh? I won’t bore you with my academic background and credentials up front (scroll below for those) but would like to give you what you’re probably curious about: how did you get into health and start doing what you do now?

It’s a reasonable question, especially for those of you aspiring podcasters and online content creators.

Long-story short, I’ve been interested in health and nutrition since I was seven years old. As a child growing up in the 1980’s, my brother and I spent a lot of time watching Jean-Claude Van Damm karate kick bad guys to save a beautiful woman. (Muscles make you women attracted to you, I thought.) Then when Arnold Schwarzenegger surmounted the Predator, I wanted to be a bodybuilder–that was when I’d be old enough to go to the gym (back then, you had to be 12 or older to lift weights).

Mike earned his B.S. in Biology from Western Washington University in 2006 and completed his M.S. in Clinical Nutrition from the University of Bridgeport in 2015 and is a graduate of the Institute for Functional Medicine’s (IFM) Applying Functional Medicine in Clinical Practice (AFMCP). He is a Functional Medicine consultant in the natural product industry and has worked as a nutritionist with Gerard Guillory, MD of the Care Group, PC in Denver, CO. Mike has lectured alongside Dr. Guillory to large patient-groups in the Denver area and they have been featured on local T.V. programs discussing the power of Nutrition and Functional Medicine.

In April of 2014 Mike published his first book, Belly Fat Effect: The Real Secret About How Your Diet, Intestinal Health, and Gut Bacteria Help You Burn Fat.

To continue his quest for knowledge Mike attends many Continuing Medical Education (CME) events held by various organizations around the country, learning from top researchers in the field through groups like AACR, ACAM, A4M and IFM. He has currently completed four of six Advanced Practice Modules (APMs) to earn the only board certification in Functional Medicine through IFM.

Mike regularly conducts workshops for health care practitioners, teaching leading-edge science in a concise format that can be utilized by progressive clinicians for the prevention of chronic disease. Often termed Translational Medicine, this bench-to-bedside approach is key to ensure the application of pioneering research and concepts in systems biology a preventative health care setting, optimizing patient outcomes.

Mike lives in Kirkland, WA with his wife Deanna Arnill- a Doctor of Chiropractic- with their daughter and two dogs Shasta and Rainier.

They enjoy cooking locally grown whole foods and adhere to an active outdoor life of skiing, hiking and biking. Dr. Deanna practices in the Seattle area and works with clients all over the world.


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