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medskl.com 专为医学院学生和执业医师设计,以学习和复习临床医学的基础知识。
medskl.com 的内容库来自世界各地近 200 位最优秀的医学院教授。我们相信免费和开放获取医学教育材料 (FOAMEd)。 所有模块都经过编辑同行评审过程。我们在 medskl.com的使命是帮助世界各地的所有医学生,帮助他们成为杰出的临床医生。
Welcome to medskl.com
medskl.com has been designed for medical school students and practicing physicians to learn and review the fundamentals of clinical medicine.
medskl.com’s library of content comes from a collaboration of nearly 200 of the best medical school professors from around the world. We believe in free and open access to medical educational materials (FOAMEd). All modules undergo an editorial peer-review process.
Our mission at medskl.com is to help reach ALL medical students around the world and help them become oustanding clinicians.
Welcome to medskl.com
桑杰·夏尔马医生(Dr. Sanjay Sharma, MD, MSc, MBA),医学学位,理学硕士,MBA,medskl.com 的创始人——一个新的开放访问平台,旨在重新设计医学教育。 medskl.com 拥有来自世界各地的 170 多名屡获殊荣的医学教师,带来了一种现代的医学教学方法,包括易于理解的白板动画、简短的视频讲座和旨在吸引当今数字学习者的简明摘要。
桑杰·夏尔马医生是皇后大学眼科和流行病学教授,撰写了 200 多篇研究文章和三本书,其中包括美国医学协会的《循证到价值医学》。他在黄斑变性、健康经济学和医学教育方面的研究被科学文献引用超过 6,000 次。 桑杰·夏尔马医生在哈佛大学完成了他的医学教育,并获得了多项资助和著名奖项——包括美国眼科学会、加拿大卫生研究院和加拿大创新基金会的奖项。
Dr Sanjay Sharma – bio
Dr. Sanjay Sharma, MD, MSc, MBA is the founder of medskl.com – a new open-access platform developed to redesign medical education. With over 170 award-winning medical faculty from across the world, medskl.com brings a modern approach to teaching medicine, featuring easy-to-understand whiteboard animations, short video lectures and concise summaries designed to appeal to today’s digital learners.
Dr. Sharma, a professor of ophthalmology and epidemiology at Queen’s University, has authored over 200 research articles and three books including the American Medical Association’s Evidence-based to Value Based Medicine. His research in macular degeneration, health economics and medical education has been cited in the scientific literature over 6,000 times. Dr. Sharma, who has received a number of grants and prestigious awards – including those from the American Academy of Ophthalmology, the Canadian Institutes of Health Research, and the Canadian Foundation for Innovation – completed his medical education at Harvard University.