讲者与机构知名讲者约翰·约阿尼迪斯博士/Dr. John Ionanidis

约翰·约阿尼迪斯博士/Dr. John Ionanidis


约翰.约阿尼迪斯博士(Dr. John Ionanidis),一位经验丰富的研究员,致力于改进研究方法和实践,以产生可靠的证据。约阿尼迪斯博士拥有出色的学术背景,在1984年作为Athens College的演讲者,并在同年获得希腊数学学会的国家奖。他于1990年从国立雅典大学毕业,成为医学专业班级第一,并获得生物病理学博士学位。




作为多个领先期刊的编辑委员会成员,包括PLoS Medicine、Lancet、Annals of Internal Medicine和JNCI等,约阿尼迪斯博士在他的领域中备受尊敬。他曾于2010年至2019年担任《欧洲临床调查杂志》的主编。此外,他还发表了约700篇邀请演讲和荣誉讲座,并撰写了九本文学书籍。

Meet Dr. John Ionanidis, a seasoned researcher who is passionate about improving research methods and practices to produce reliable evidence. With a remarkable academic background, Dr. Ionanidis was the Valedictorian at Athens College in 1984 and was awarded the National Award of the Greek Mathematical Society the same year. He graduated from the National University of Athens in 1990, where he ranked first in his medical school class and received a DSc in biopathology.

Dr. Ionanidis completed his training in internal medicine and infectious diseases at Harvard and Tufts, where he held various positions at the National Institutes of Health, Johns Hopkins, and Tufts. He served as the chair of the Department of Hygiene and Epidemiology at the University of Ioannina Medical School from 1999 to 2010 and was also an adjunct professor at Harvard, Tufts, and Imperial College.

Since 2010, Dr. Ionanidis has been at Stanford University, where he has held diverse appointments in four departments and memberships in eight centers/institutes. He launched the PhD program in Epidemiology & Clinical Research and the MS program in Community Health & Prevention Research. In 2014, he established METRICS, and from 2012 to 2016, he served as the Senior Advisor on Knowledge Integration at NCI/NIH.

Dr. Ionanidis has been recognized with numerous awards, including the European Award for Excellence in Clinical Science, the Chanchlani Global Health Award, the Epiphany Science Courage Award, the Gordon award, and the Harwood Prize, among others. He is also a member of many prestigious organizations, including the National Academy of Medicine and the American Epidemiological Society.

As an editorial board member for several leading journals, including PLoS Medicine, Lancet, Annals of Internal Medicine, and JNCI, among others, Dr. Ionanidis is highly respected in his field. He served as the Editor-in-Chief of the European Journal of Clinical Investigation from 2010 to 2019. Additionally, he has delivered around 700 invited and honorary lectures and authored nine literary books.

Despite his numerous achievements, Dr. Ionanidis remains humble and committed to learning from interactions with students and young scientists worldwide. While his work is widely recognized, he understands the importance of staying grounded and acknowledging that there is still much to learn.

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