讲者与机构知名讲者大卫·明科夫医生/Dr. David Minkoff

大卫·明科夫医生/Dr. David Minkoff


大卫·明科夫(Dr.David Minkoff) 医生于 1974 年毕业于威斯康星大学医学院,并以极高的学术成就被选入著名的 Alpha Omega Alpha Honors Medical Fraternity 医学院的“Phi Beta Kappa”。然后,他在加州大学圣地亚哥分校完成了儿科住院医师培训和传染病研究。

他曾在加州大学和圣地亚哥儿童医院担任传染病主治医师,同时对抗击疾病的广谱抗病毒剂 Ribaviron 进行原始研究。他还共同领导了一个新生儿重症监护室,并从事急诊医学工作。

1992 年,明科夫医生的妻子 Sue, 一名注册护士,对营养和健康产生了兴趣,并开始参加该领域一些专家的讲座。当时,明科夫医生对传统医学的看法非常坚持,她花了很多时间说服他来参加其中一场讲座。听完 Jeffrey Bland 博士的演讲后,明科夫医生灵光闪现,开始迫切地追求替代疗法。

基于这些新知识,明科夫医生和他的妻子于 1997 年成立了一家小诊所,帮助一些朋友解决他们的医疗问题。最初是一项实验,后来发展成为 Lifeworks 健康中心,这是美国最成功的补充医学诊所之一。



明科夫医生是该领域最受欢迎的演讲者之一,他写了一本亚马逊畅销书,名为 The Search For The Perfect Protein。

他发现的(患者)对产品和治疗方案的需求成为建立Body Health.com的催化剂, 一家营养公司,现在为当今的许多健康问题制造和分销前沿的营养解决方案。

明科夫医生本人就是一名狂热的运动员,已经完成了 43 项铁人三项全能比赛。为了保持最大的健康,他过着他教给别人的生活方式,并努力为别人树立榜样,这样他们就可以享受没有痛苦和充满活力的生活。

Dr. David Minkoff graduated from the University of Wisconsin Medical School in 1974 and was elected to the “Phi Beta Kappa” of medical schools, the prestigious Alpha Omega Alpha Honors Medical Fraternity for very high academic achievement.  He then completed both a Pediatric Residency and a Fellowship in Infectious Disease at the University of California at San Diego.

He worked at the University of California and Children’s Hospitals in San Diego as an attending physician in infectious disease while conducting original research on Ribaviron, a broad spectrum anti-viral agent to fight disease. He also co-directed a neo-natal intensive care unit and worked in emergency medicine.

In 1992, Dr. Minkoff’s wife Sue, a Registered Nurse, became interested in nutrition and health and began to go to lectures from some of the experts in the field. At the time, Dr. Minkoff was pretty fixed in his view of traditional medicine and it took a lot of convincing to get him to come to one of these lectures. After hearing Dr. Jeffrey Bland speak, Dr. Minkoff had a eureka moment and began pursuing the alternative field with a vengeance.

Based on this new knowledge Dr. Minkoff and his wife set up a small clinic in 1997 to help some friends with their medical problems. What began as an experiment blossomed into Lifeworks Wellness Center, one of the most successful clinics for complementary medicine in the United States.

In the process, he gained expertise in Biological medicine, integrative oncology, heavy metal detoxification, anti-aging medicine, hormone replacement therapy, functional medicine, energy medicine, neural and prolotherapy, homeopathy, and optimum nutrition.

He studied under the masters in each of these disciplines until he became an expert in his own right.

Dr. Minkoff is one of the most in-demand speakers in the field and wrote an Amazon best-selling book called The Search For The Perfect Protein.

The demand for the products and protocols he discovered became a catalyst for founding BodyHealth.Com, a nutrition company that now manufactures and distributes cutting-edge nutritional solutions for the many health problems of today.

Dr. Minkoff is an avid athlete himself and has completed 43 Ironman Triathlons. To keep his fitness maximal, he lives the lifestyle he teaches to others and tries to set an example for others, so they can enjoy a life free of pain and full of energy.


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