讲者与机构知名讲者本·阿扎迪 Ben Azadi

本·阿扎迪 Ben Azadi


2008 年,本·阿扎迪(Ben Azadi) 经历了个人健康转型,减掉了 80 磅纯脂肪,他一直是间歇性禁食和生酮饮食的倡导者。

从那时起,FDN-P Ben Azadi 就一直致力于帮助 10 亿人过上更健康的生活。十多年来,Keto Kamp 创始人 Ben Azadi 分享了他独特的观点和专业知识,帮助其他人成为最健康的自己。从了解生酮饮食、间歇性禁食和其他古老的治疗策略,Ben 的追随者们向他寻求最有效的技术,以在细胞层面上变得更健康。

早在酮症和禁食策略广受欢迎之前,Ben Azadi 就一直在实践酮症和禁食策略多年,Ben 是三本畅销书的作者,分别是《完美健康手册》、《间歇性禁食备忘单》和《睡眠的力量》,他一直是间歇性禁食和生酮饮食的倡导者。

他被称为“健康侦探”,因为他研究功能障碍,并且通过教育而不是药物让身体恢复正常功能。Ben 是排名前 15 的播客 The Keto Kamp Podcast 的主持人;以及快速发展的 Keto Kamp YouTube 频道,拥有超过 120,000 名订阅者。


n 2008, Ben Azadi went through a personal health transformation of shredding 80 pounds of pure fat. Ever since, Ben Azadi, FDN-P, has been on a mission to help 1 billion people live a healthier lifestyle. 

For more than a decade, Keto Kamp founder Ben Azadi has shared his unique point of view and expertise to help others become the healthiest versions of themselves. From understanding the ketogenic diet, intermittent fasting, and other ancient healing strategies, Ben’s followers look to him for his take on the most effective techniques to become healthier at the cellular level.

Ben Azadi has been practicing ketosis and fasting strategies for years, long before it gained widespread popularity, and if you’re looking for ways to calm inflammation so that your body can heal, you’ve come to the right place.

Ben is the author of three best-selling books, The Perfect Health Booklet, The Intermittent Fasting Cheat Sheet, and The Power of Sleep. Ben has been the go-to source for intermittent fasting and the ketogenic diet. 

He is known as ‘The Health Detective’ because he investigates dysfunction, and he educates, not medicates, to bring the body back to normal function.  Ben is the founder of Keto Kamp; a global brand bringing awareness to ancient healing strategies such as the keto diet and fasting. 

Ben is the host of a top 15 podcast, The Keto Kamp Podcast; and the fast growing Keto Kamp YouTube channel with over 120,000 subscribers. 

Website: www.benazadi.com 

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