讲者与机构知名讲者艾迈德·埃尔金-"糖医生"/Dr. Ahmet Ergin

艾迈德·埃尔金-“糖医生”/Dr. Ahmet Ergin


艾迈德·埃尔金医生, 医学博士, FACE, CDCE, ECNU 是一位领先的内分泌学家,对糖尿病护理有着特殊的兴趣和热情。 埃尔金博士在俄亥俄州克利夫兰著名的克利夫兰诊所完成了他的研究员培训。 在他的职业生涯中看过成千上万的患者后,他知道自己必须拓展业务并做更多事情,因此怀着希望和爱的种子,从而使得“SugarMD”(糖医生)这个网站和栏目应运而生。


Ahmet Ergin, MD, FACE, CDCE, ECNU is a leading endocrinologist with a particular interest and passion for diabetes care. Dr. Ergin completed his fellowship training from the prestigious Cleveland Clinic in Cleveland, Ohio. After seeing thousands of patients over the course of his career, he knew he had to branch out and do more and so with seeds of hope and love, SugarMD was created. Dr. Ergin believes in patient education, pharmaceutical as well as medical intervention when necessary but that’s not all. He believes in the science behind ancient herbs that are undervalued in today’s “pharma-focused” world. The herbs and vitamins used in all of the SugarMD products are backed by science, research and studies. SugarMD is focused 100% on purity, potency, and most importantly consumer outcomes. Dr. Ergin is the integral part of SugarMD and is the brain behind all of the SugarMD formulas so you can feel confident that you are investing in the best for your health and well-being.

Education background:

Marmara University School of Medicine (Istanbul, Turkey)

Cleveland Clinic (Cleveland, Ohio) – Endocrinology Fellowship 2012

Official Website: sugarmds.com

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